Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What is causing our recession?
I just sent off a letter to the L.A. Times through Moveon.org. It is a great site if you are not subscribed to it. It makes being politically active much more easy.
This is the letter I'm sending:
We don't need to find people in need across the world. The poor, the disenfranchised, the sick, and starvation are here in the US! Do you think anyone will come running to our aid after the foreign policy that we have created in the world? Other countries will enjoy seeing us weakened and no longer considered the most powerful country in the world. I know it is hard to admit we were wrong but how much will our pride cost?
We need to leave Iraq now before it’s too late. Take care of the people at home.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Passion versus Experience
Monday, January 28, 2008
Torn on Upcoming Vote to Amend Gaming Compact
A YES vote on this measure means:
The Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians--a tribe that owns a casino in Riverside County with about 2,000 slot machines--could operate up to 7,500 slot machines. The tribe would make increased payments to the state annually through 2030.
Translation: This would highly benefit the four wealthiest tribes but would could be financially devasting to other tribes. With gaming, tribes had finally raised up from living in very poor conditions. If this goes through than these tribes could face those horrors again. On the other side, this would bring revenue to the state which desperately needs it after the recent California fires which has resulted in a 10% budget cut across all services in the state. Many services are being cut due to this and some Medi-cal services could be cut completely leaving thousands of people without care.
Either way I feel we will loose something.
For more information which I got from www.smartvoter.org
Contact FOR Proposition 94:
Coalition to Protect California's Budget and Economy
(800) 827-1267
Contact AGAINST Proposition 94:
Californians Against Unfair Deals--No on 94, 95, 96, 97, A coalition of tribes, educators, taxpayers, public safety officials, labor, seniors, environmentalists.
(310) 996-2676
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sign this Petition
I signed a petition urging Congress to pass an economic stimulus plan that gets money into the hands of those who need it most, and that includes public investments to move us toward a 21st century, clean energy economy. Can you join me at the link below?
Dream achieved?
In retrospect we can review our history and see how far we have come but it is dangerous and detrimental to our further actions to abolish racial hate to think that we can smack our hands together and say we've done a good job and move on. There is still so much that is unconscious on many levels. It is sublimated and in someways that is more dangerous because it doesn't give us a platform in which to speak about the issue.
It is an ugly thing to admit that racism still permeates almost all areas of our life. Discrimination for jobs, protions, politics, renting, etc. I have a friend that is in a biracial relationship and she continues to feel that she has to constantly defend her relationship to the rest of the world. Does this sound like we are living in a world where race is not longer an issue?
Get on the soapbox with me, what do you think?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Truth from the lips of politicians?
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'll huff and puff, and blow the forest down

Kleenex and how it’s destroying virgin forests:
If every household in the U.S. replaced just one box of 85 sheet virgin fiber facial tissues with 100% recycled ones, we could save:
* 87,700 trees
* 226,500 cubic feet of landfill space, equal to 330 full garbage trucks
* 31 million gallons of water, a year's supply for 240 families of four
* and avoid 5,300 pounds of pollution!
Seventh Generation is a great company which also provides paper towels and toilet paper made from recycled paper.
Cleaning made greener and more fun?

Method – "Sells cleaning products, soaps, and fragrances that are biodegradable, comes in yummy flavors like grapefruit, cucumber, and lavender. All recycled and recyclable packaging, and not tested on animals. "
I initially thought about getting method because I have cats and I wanted something safe to spray that wouldn't be toxic to them. I ordered online some products until I realized that Target now sells them. They smell great, are in really interesting packaging, and actually good on your sink. The prices are really reasonable which is one of the major reasons it seems that people hesitate to make changes in their products. Some people rave about the mop but I don't like it. It falls apart too easily. I had it after a couple of months and it broke. Instead of going back to the evil Swifter I bought a mop from Real Simple brand. I use the method ginger-lemon floor cleaner and just rewash the mop sponge that detaches.
Here's a reason to like Coffee Bean a latte more than Starbucks

Since May 07 Coffee Bean is part of Green Restaurant association. They recycle pretty much everything at the store. All lights have been changed to high efficiency bulbs. Napkins, paper towels, are all post consumer recycled. They have low water pressure valves and reusable mugs available.
Check more out about Green restaurant association at www.dinegreen.com. GRA is a nonprofit organization which helps to reduce restaurants impact on the environment by instituting environmental and cost effective changes.
Here are some of their main focuses:
- Use a comprehensive recycling system for all products that are accepted by local recycling companies.
- Free of polystyrene foam ("Styrofoam") products.
- Commit to completing four Environmental Steps per year of membership. (refer to Environmental Guidelines)
- Complete at least one Environmental Step after joining the GRA.
Small Steps to Change
Change has to come in very small steps and is much stronger when it has the strength of a community behind it. We don't need to wait for a charismatic leader to step forward. Change can't hinge on the actions of one man.
Here I am dedicating this blog to outlining small steps to change.